Hamvention 2025 Information


Ballarat Amateur Radio Group Hamvention 2025


Bargain hunters, it’s going to be an absolutely  ripper of a day, make sure you come along.

When: Sunday the 2nd of Feb 2025. Put it in your diary NOW!
Where:   The Ballarat Polo-Crosse Club Pavilion, Ballarat Airport. Access off Airport Rd (This link will open in Google maps.) ( 207 Airport Rd, Mitchell Park VIC 3355 )

Traders: $20  per table  booked which  includes one entry; Traders enter from 8AM. Traders are required to to prepay when booking to secure their tables and streamline entry on the day. 

General entry is $7 per person;  General entry to the selling floor is from 10AM. NOTE: EFTPOS facilities will  *NOT* be available for entry. Cash only and correct money will be appreciated.

Table/Selling position Booking link is towards the end of this page; Please read all the information before booking; Thank You!


  • General Entry is $7.00 per person
  • Accompanied under 15 is free.
  • Entry includes 1 ticket for the door prize, $3 extra gets you an extra 4 tickets for the door prize!
  • Some food and drinks will be available.
  • Coffee van will be available.
  • The usual and popular pre-loved equipment displays and sales. (You never know what you may find!!)

NOTE: EFTPOS facilities will  *NOT* be available for entry. Cash only and correct money will be appreciated.

Traders and Sellers:

Traders hiring a 1.8m space or table, inside or outside is $20.  Same cost  whether you provide your own table or hire one. This  includes one entry per table. An online booking is not confirmed until you make the payment. .

Co-Location of Traders

If you are part of a group of  traders, and you want to be co-located, then this will only be possible if the bookings are made *AT THE SAME TIME*.

So get yourself organised and make all your individual bookings at the same time. Indicate your co-location request in the “other Comments” field of the online form. Bookings will be confirmed on a first come, first served chronological basis. Bookings made on separate days, or over the space of a number of hours risk not being able to be co-located. Help us to help you.

The table allocator is already working hard to accommodate everyone, but “time separated ” location request bookings makes this difficult.

SO: if you are an intended trader AND specifically  want to be physically located near another trader then you ALL need to make a separate booking within a couple of hours of each other.

The cutoff date for these types of bookings is  *****  1500, January the 25th 2025 ****


Hamventions, Hamfests, or Swap meets are much anticipated events for amateur radio operators. We all aim for a fair go.  The Ballarat Amateur Radio Group has a policy that aims to enhance the safety, joy and happiness to all involved. We believe all participants, buyers, browsers, and sellers  alike  are entitled to fair and equitable treatment.  To this end we do not support  any practices which disadvantage event buyers or sellers.

Unfair activities such as the practice of “pre-trading” including “prior verbal agreements and arrangements” made before the official opening time to the trading floor, is actively discouraged. We ask that all participants will support organisers by being actively on the lookout for inappropriate activities.

Attending the BARG Hamvention in any capacity signifies your agreement to not participate in”pre-trading” or activities that disadvantage one person over another.

We are all wanting to have a great time, find a bargain or two and catch up with good people. Behaviour that is inconsistent with this will result in being ask to leave the venue.

Contact Hamvention Coordinator if you need more information or have a query.

Now is the time to make your booking  ……………

***** The online booking form has CLOSED.*****


Table bookings: Traders, You ** cannot** reserve your table online directly via this form (click)


Email BARG (at) BARG.ORG.AU if you need information.


Some photos are taken to record the activities on the day, we trust this is ok;  if you see a camera pointed your way and don’t want to appear,  duck or ask the picture taker not to “click” until you hide.  Here’s what you missed if you didn’t get to previous Hamvention.